Yes, I know! It’s been a week since the Dead 2 Red ride and I still haven’t put up any story documenting the blow-by-blow details of it like I know that many of you have been waiting for (if you happened across this site by accident, well, I know you’d have been waiting for it too if you knew what I was talking about).

I’ve been so busy over the last week with meetings and getting the house ready for a visit from my best friend Christine from the states. She’s already been here for a few days now, and I’ve been trying to show her as much of Jordan as I can in 4 days total. Yesterday we already went to check out the Church of St. George in Madaba, Mount Nebo, the Baptismal Site of Jesus, and the Roman ruins of Jerash in the north. Today we’re doing biking and then taking our rental car down to Petra to spend the night.

After this whirlwind tour is all over, I promise that I have two entries to write about! Seriously! Have I ever let you down before? Here’s a photo to tide you over until then…

I never thought that riding a road bike instead of a hybrid bike could be so rewarding!

I never thought that riding a road bike instead of a hybrid bike could be so rewarding!