In which Zach, a man who never contemplated motorized vehicle ownership, deliberates between a moped…then a motorcycle…then a Camaro, all in the span of a month.
The Personal Blog of Zach Heise
In which Zach, a man who never contemplated motorized vehicle ownership, deliberates between a moped…then a motorcycle…then a Camaro, all in the span of a month.
Carrying on from my previous blog entry, I awoke the next morning with the sudden realization that I didn’t know what I would have for breakfast or lunch. Whenever I did wadi hikes previously, it was with a house of my own and a well-stocked fridge. I decided to test my luck and hope that […]
Back in early March, I got a comment on this blog from a woman named Leanna who wanted to know if she could use one of my pictures from the 2009 Dead 2 Red race as a model base for a poster she was making for school. Of course I was more than happy to […]
This past week, Amman had a visit from America’s premier collegiate a Capella group, the Whiffenpoofs. The 14-man choir is currently in the middle of their annual world tour and thanks to the efforts of one of Dozan wa Awtar’s choir members, we were able not only have a joint concert with them this past […]
When I returned from Europe to Jordan almost exactly one month ago, I came back to a different social scene that when I left. School got out at Whitman a week after I left, and most of my fellow teacher friends had left, including the two Jons, my neighbors up the street. With Whitman no […]
I think I’ve set a new record so far for non-updating in the month of May. I feel like I’m either getting lazier with the blog or just getting busier in general and the two are definitely proving to be mutually exclusive. Having done the amateur blogging “thing” for the past 3 years now (mid […]