In which Zach goes a little crazy and rants about the lack of AC power plug standards in Jordan, before proving beyond a doubt that he is qualified to reveal which power plug is the greatest in the world.
The Personal Blog of Zach Heise
In which Zach goes a little crazy and rants about the lack of AC power plug standards in Jordan, before proving beyond a doubt that he is qualified to reveal which power plug is the greatest in the world.
So, in case you didn’t already hear about it, the TSA has released some more or less official plans on what they’re going to do following the antics of some Nigerian guy who attempted to explode himself and a plan using some sort of weird diaper with uncombined explosive compounds or some other idiotic idea. […]
In which Zach makes some interesting observations on how often certain cities in the Middle East have their Google Earth satellite photos updated, compared with his own hometown and also large cities in Israel. He was surprised by what he found, but actually…not too much.
I finally got the DVD from last year’s Christmas concert, a full eleven months later. Apparently the YWCA had been holding onto it pretty tightly; I had to call four different people in order to secure a copy, and only on the grounds that I would only have it for an hour – long enough […]
Link to original article. Pause for a moment after reading that. Let the bile clear from your throat. Think about where you’ve heard things like “no racial intermixing” before. Warning of the “dangers” of it, and how it’s an “unnatural phenomenon.” Things like America’s old Jim Crowe laws et al. come to mind, perhaps? How […]
After what Dozan wa Awtar billed as the first combination of Iftaar, plus singing concert, plus quiz game night (probably not hard to be first at that combination, actually) at Books@Cafe, I just returned home from a packed rooftop audience. It was a good night, even though the venue was a little bit cramped (with […]